Our Merit Prep boys basketball team made the Newark city finals last night. What a valiant effort by our boys as they made a serious, competitive back-and-forth battle for 3+ quarters before eventually losing to our opponent in the title game.
What was I most proud of last night? The 4th quarter, particularly the last 6 minutes when the game pulled away and it was clear we were not going to be victorious. Huh?
Yes, that's right. Despite the score and the lack of time, I saw our Merit Prep Panthers in that 4th quarter continue to press, drive, and push the ball and compete. I never once saw one of our players drop their head in frustration, yell at a teammate for an error or lose their composure, nor did I see a single one of our fans (and there was a ton of them) leave early or resign in frustration. Playing, cheering, competing to the end. We may have lost a game of basketball last night, but we showed that we are starting to win the game of life.
The 1st and 2nd place trophies are but cheap, temporal forms of plastic. Dignity. Grace. Competitive spirits and humble hearts. These trophies are eternal.
To the amazing coaching trio of Dr. Harris (fearless leader), Dr. Lewis (vocal leader), and Dr. O'Grady (steady leader) (and I realize they do not have doctorates but neither did Dr. J -- millennials can look him up...former Philadelphia 76er circa 1980), nice job. You three are leading our boys to a victory that will never fade.