A Letter to NJ Commissioner Harrington. Read more »

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Merit Prep is a preparatory charter school Newark founded in 2011 located across from the historic CIty Hall building at 909 Broad Street and we currently serve grades 5-10, with plans to grow a grade a year until we become a full grade 5 through 12 college preparatory combined middle and high school.

Merit Prep is managed by a national non-profit blended charter school management organization, Matchbook Learning.  Matchbook Learning was hired by the Merit Prep Board to design the school’s innovative blended instruction model, recruit, select and manage the school leadership at Merit Prep and continue to innovate on Matchbook Learning’ s unique blended school model at Merit Prep.

Whether you are a current or prospective student, parent, teacher, staff or administrative member of Merit Prep, we are humbled and honored you would consider us.  Throughout this Merit Prep website you will see and read about our innovative visionmodel and approach to realizing the potential of every child that becomes part of our learning community at Merit Prep.

Further information about Matchbook Learning and how our vision and school model at Merit Prep is being implemented elsewhere in the country can be found at www.matchbooklearning.com.

Sajan George

Founder & CEO, Matchbook Learning